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One day you will tell your story of how you overcame what you went through and it will be someone else's survival guide.

Brene Brown

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If you are intersted in a group that is full, let me know and I can add you to the next cycle.

Exercise (UGH!) is still the best thing you can do in the long term for your mind and body. BUT, since we are relational beings, try as we might, we need each other sometimes. Nothing replaces community, and the stories, support and witness of others is a powerful medicine. 

When it comes to self-help, mental health, wellness, whatever you call it, there is a never ending list of things to do, knowledge to acquire, skills to master. 

Some people love to read books, some listen to audiobooks and others scroll social media lying in bed at night finding themselves in memes and GIFs.

Most of us struggle to find the time or space for community, quality conversation, and personal growth.


Regardless of your situation, the goal is to feel comfortable in your own skin and connected to self and others. 


There's always snacks in the studio. (And by snacks typcially a full dinner.)

You eat, I teach, we talk, we laugh. 


  • You don't need any previous therapy experience to join a group. 

  • Small psychotherapy groups offered by a Registered Social Worker (RSW) are typcially covered by insurance plans. They are also cheaper than individual therapy if you are looking for sustainable self-care.   

  • You can jump into a group anytime, providing there is space.


Trauma Support with DBT (Dialectical Behaviour Therapy)

DBT teaches how to get "unstuck" from unhealthy thought and behaviour patterns. The course teaches participants how to better self-regulate, reduce emotional reactivity and mood swings, shift emotions, tolerate distress, manage urges & impulses, and foster healthier interpersonal relationships. Introduction to trauma, triggers, hypervigilance and reclaiming safety, and overcoming unwanted intrusive thoughts.  Demonstrated effectiveness with Borderline Personality Disorder, Anxiety, Depression, ADHD, Self-harm, Substance Abuse & Eating Disorders 

Monday Nights (IN STUDIO)   6:00-7:30pm 

April 22nd 2024 -June 24th, 2024   

  • 9 Week Program (no meeting on Victoria Day)

  • $850 (billed $85/session) 

  • Maximum 7 participants

  • Food on the table :) 

Monthly Book Clubs 

If there is space in a book club, you can jump in at any time. We work through a book every 2-3 months. Read or don't read. The community is great. I teach, you eat, we talk.


Wednesday Nights (IN STUDIO)           6:00-7:30pm

July 24th, 2024 -June 19th, 2024

  • 6 Month Committment 

  • $100/session

  • Maximum 7 participants (Ages 40-65+)

Wednesday Nights (ONLINE)                7:00-8:30pm

January 31st, 2024 -June 26th, 2024

  • 6 Month Committment 

  • $85/session

  • Maximum 10 participants (Ages 19-35)

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